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All of our Tarot Courses of Study come with one to one expert Mentoring, at no additional cost.
Tarot Readers Certification

Why Certification?
Mention Tarot Certification and some readers are intrigued and naturally want to know more and some are aghast at the sheer audacity of the thought of Tarot Readers becoming 'qualified'.
Here at the International Tarot Foundation, we recognize the value of the study of Tarot Reading and the associative studies that offer the potential of enhancing Tarot.
Tarot reading can be a purely naturally, intuitive process or it can be a depth study over many years.
Ask any Tarot reader and they will say that they are always learning and always the student.
What we aim to achieve is the development of skilled, knowledgeable readers who set standards within the community are excell at being positive role models.

Course 1

The Next Step
Course 2

Course 3

Elementally Speaking
Course 4

Astrology and Tarot
Course 5

Intuitive Reading
Course 6

Spiritual Journey
Course 7

Celtic Cross Course
Celtic Cross Course 8

Ethical Tarot Reading
Compulsory Course Requirement

Make tarot Your business
Course 10
All students are strictly monitored and given One to One Mentoring throughout. We accept beginners or advanced readers and can support students who have specific difficulties in learning.
Above all, we pride ourselves on the standards we set and the level of commitment that we offer to our students.
Some of the courses are compulsory and these work hand in hand with our ethos here at the Foundation.
All our students can join the IICT who can also offer very resonably priced Public Liability Insurance. All UK students can join the NUS and apply for the NUS Extra card.
The wonderful aspect of this course of study is that we will continue to work with a student until they have reached a level of ability that we have confidence in and feel that they are ready to be assessed by the panel.
There is no final exam.
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