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Welcome to the International Tarot Foundation.
The International Tarot Foundation ( ITF) was founded with a clear desire to want to make a positive difference in the Tarot community. Along with like minded team, I set to work in 2015, knowing that what we hoped to achieve would take endless time and dedication .
My favorite saying of all time is ' Actions speak louder than words' and this is my motto, after all, good intentions are wonderful and very easily spoken but to put these words into practice is what actually matters.
We, by comparison to some others, are considered a 'young' association and this is true and yet in a short period of time, we have made forward steps towards our purpose.
Part of this aim is to raise the profile of Tarot reading and of Tarot study too, especially so it is recognized as the serious study that it is.
I feel that at the ITF we are in a very fortunate position to be able to play a role in developing readers of the present and the future who too will pride themselves on their principles and ethics.
Tarot embraces a wonderfully, spiritual aspect, we therefor aspire to teach our students how to recognise when a client is facing life changing developments in their life so that they, in turn, can effectively guide and support their client. Of course, we teach subjects that work with and alongside Tarot as they are intertwined into the insight and energy that is a fundamental piece of the foundation that Tarot study is built upon.
I am very proud to be able to say that we have made excellent progress so far. From the very start, we opened our courses, teaching methods and resources to assessment from the International Institute for Complimentary Therapists , this ultimately gained us an approval to state that we are certified as official course providers.
To our students this means that they now have the option to buy public liability insurance and also membership to the IICT at a discounted rate.
Another aim of ours is to support the artistic process of Deck creating, our deck creators are invaluable. The beautiful and diverse decks that we have the opportunity to enjoy, apart from being an absolute pleasure to read with, are also our resources to learn and study from.
For this reason, we platform the CARTA awards, which is the yearly cartomancy awards, the awards allow us the opportunity to show our appreciation to the art and the creativity that we, as readers enjoy with our Decks.
Everything is work in progress, we will continue with our aim so watch this space and let's see how our future as an association is shaped!
As with everything, support from our team, our members and students is invaluable.
Thank you for stopping by!
Lara, Attila and the Team!
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