Karmic relationship sounds quite mysterious and romantic? But if you have ever experienced one then you will know that there is nothing dreamy about enduring the challenges presented with a karmic connection.
The whole purpose is for this connection is more than likely to be for you or the person that you are reading for, to learn and grow. This growth that I refer to is in a spiritual sense, at soul level.
So why the challenge, you may wonder?
The inner turmoil felt when you are immersed into a situation that you feel you cannot leave whilst desperately wanting to escape the negativity it creates for you.
Love that was never really love but whatever it became, serves now as a need that draws you closer until the point of no reason.
There is no doubt that navigating the difficult path that an individual often experiences is ideally managed with guidance and support. Of course professional guidance from a qualified practitioner is a positive way forward but some may to come to a reader to see how this situation will pan out and what they can expect to experience coming up.
It helps if we, as readers, understand the nature of a karmic connection between two individuals and how this may play out within our readings.
Each reader will develop their own insights over time, some of the cards may read slightly differently with some variation between one reader and another but in general the overall theme is relatively consistant.
You will see from the table below that I I have featured 4 Tarot cards from the Major Arcana. Each of the 4 cards do and have featured in my readings for others (and sometimes my own too) and each card plays a significant role in this journey. Remember to make special note if one or more is appearing in a relationship reading.
How to navigate this relationship with a karmic connection?
If you take a look at the Chariot card, you will see two horses pulling a chariot, the Charioteer is holding the reins and doing her best to remain in control of steering the chariot. The challenge is that 'Appetite' and 'Will' are in conflict together Appetite is in conflict with the Charioteer's reason. I will explain a little here because this insight is based around the card's Tarot deck-Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery (Robert Place) and ancient philosophy. Appetite represents the earthly appetites and satisfying the hunger within. Earthly appetites such as lust, selfishness, pride, ego (you get the drift!) The will can help to control and manage the excesses and with reason, balance can be achieved.
Of course, if we were all balanced (some certainly are), we would always make prudent decisions but alas, it is often a working progress with varying degrees of inner conflict for many.
This is where we can help guide the individual and help them to recognise how they can own their own power and turn this situation around, lifting this negative shadow that can be all consuming.
This is a much better place to be, the Star card can bring her healing and Strength can prevail.
If you have found this post interesting and would like to study Tarot's Spiritual Journey then please take a look here