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Session One
What Makes a Successful Business?

Knowing your position within that market and making the right decisions.
Tarot Consultancy is a bespoke service, for this reason alone, you need to know and understand the business that you intend to compete in.There are some services that are commonly used by the general population and Tarot is not one of those, so in some ways your work is already cut out for you.
What you do need to do, is to make this your advantage, monopolise and develop this into your opportunity.
The good news is that we have a society that is much more open minded that in previous times, research is reflecting this. A study that was carried out in the UK between October and November 2008 for the public theology think tank Theos, confirms such.
The number of people who believe in Tarot reading has doubled since the 1950's and interestingly in Scotland, research showed that they believe in Tarot reading more than other parts of the UK :
That said, the actual figures may not seem significantly high because out of the 2060 people who were questioned, just 15% stated that they believed in Tarot Readings. However, at my estimation, in the cross section of people who were questioned, it does express that at least 300 do have a belief in Tarot. That figure now sounds quite promising, when we consider the overall population of a country?
Most importantly, this is your potential customer base!
What we do need to decipher, is whether this number of believers are of a certain age/education/social and demographic relevance because this is where your marketing strategies and funds may benefit from directing towards.
This brings us to your first Task!

Part One of your Task
Your task, is to carry out research within the country that you live in and find out what the general interest or belief is of Tarot. The internet is probably the best option but if you are struggling to find any results for Tarot then try looking at other areas of divination in general or belief in psychic abilities.
If there is any data on research that has already been carried out then this will be helpful (remember to source your information).
As an alternative option you can actually do some of your own research and questionaires but remember to choose a broad demographic that represents a general population of people.
You can ask family and friends ( not Tarot friends!)and their friends too. Find out more specifics, would they have a Tarot reading and if yes, what would prompt them to seek one out. If not, why not?
The aim of this session is to help you make a more informed decision on whether to focus your business in your immediate area, geographically, or to consider the wider internet and wider customer base.
The difference is broad because one may be relying on face to face readings and fairs etc and the other on skype or email/phone readings.
Part Two of your Task
The second part of this task is to now take stock of the number of Tarot Reading Services that are available on the internet. Take note of any Tarot Services that you notice coming up in searches on a regular basis!
Then do the same for Tarot Reading Services that you know of which offer face to face client readings in your home area (if any).
You need to look at the opportunity to attend psychic fairs so you can carry out readings and develop your client base.
Of course you can always create opportunities but a network that is already in place makes your job a little easier.
Part 3 of your Task: The Conclusion
Your task at this point is to write a summary of your 'research'. What did you learn? Did you discover anything unexpected? Have you decided whether you will carry out on line, telephone, email readings or face to face readings? Maybe you will opt to use both mediums?
Please present your work on a document and send to :
and use a header for each section of the task: Part One, two and three.
Title the document:
Make Tarot your Business
Session 1: What Makes a Successful Tarot Business
Please do not forget to add your name and email to the document also
You have one week to complete the task and please discuss any aspects of this session below or post any questions.
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